Urban Rehabilitation through Heritage Trails (Walks)

Urban Rehabilitation through Heritage Trails (Walks)

Yash Shah1

1 PG Student, Dept. of Town and Country Planning, Sarvajanik College of Eng. And Technology, Surat, India

1.    Introduction

Heritage is a significant social, cultural, and economic resource for a city that needs to be recognized and incorporated Heritage specific guidelines and controls, heritage regulations for historic urban areas in the process of development for sustainability. Heritage resources need to be considered as assets rather than as liabilities as they represent the history of communities embodying their tradition, heritage and subculture through architecture and the urban city form.  Despite a few efforts from the local government, urban cultural heritage is being neglected and historic monuments keep being changed by ordinary concrete buildings at a worryingly rapid pace. On the other hand, rapid increase in the socio-economic conditions has also changed the people’s aspirations and expectations of their common future. The local community and people have also shown their concerns about heritage conservation and its loss over time. This creates a “Win-Win” situation between heritage conservation activity and urban regeneration activity. Urban Rehabilitation was not only affecting the city fabric but also destroying the vernacular-built environment, cultural values, and collective memory of habitats. Therefore, urban planners and policymakers thought about some practical way to solve this crucial problem.

2.    How E-Governance Helps in Heritage Walk Management

These powerful, tangible connections to our past are how people today come in touch with the past. Heritage buildings are also increasingly accepted as important venues linking a new generation with an older one, and thus as places to be used for education and citizenship. It is extensively believed that information and communication technology (ICT) enables organizations to reduce costs and enlarge capabilities. Technology in the system of the government and for the betterment of society. It provides solutions for e-Governance implementation and its issues. E-Governance is an important part of ICT. With the advancement in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) lot of new opportunities are now available even for rural markets. Local people can integrate various stakeholders to improve their livelihood meaningfully by digitally holistically marketing their region.

3.    Innovative Planning Solution

The existing programs are not adequate and are to be conducted rigorously rather a piecemeal approach, it needs to be given more professional touch to bring more systematic awareness involving various professionals, agencies, and stakeholders in the field.

A.    Enhancing Brand Value of the City: -

Due to heritage walks, many domestic and foreign tourists started getting exposed to the rich heritage of the city. Many participants, business delegates, and other official guests and visitors started taking heritage walks and appreciating the heritage and culture of the city.

B.    Showcases Culture of the City: -

The walks include temples and mosques and other religious places. They include the lifestyle of the people, the city’s culture, festivals, and traditions.

C.    Pride for Local Communities and Migrants Residing in the City: -

With domestic and foreign visitors visiting the old city and neighbourhood for the local cultural immersion, local communities take pride in their lifestyle, culture, rituals, and heritage.

D.    Organizing Heritage Walk: -

A Heritage walk is organized in which the auto-rickshaw drivers were trained and supported with maps and photographs.

E.     Street Plays: -

Street plays with participants of the local community and eminent personalities from the area to be organized by involving institutions on a common platform to understand the issues related to tangible heritage in the city.

F.     Children’s Books: -

Books depicting the history of city and important events like a brief history of city monuments should be published in simple language for understanding and creating interest among the children.

G.    Heritage Products: -

Products exhibition cum sale to be organized in the core heritage zone and this will benefit both tourists and locals and also the revenue generates from this can be utilized for the heritage development.

H.    Museum cum Information Centre: -

At present tourists who are visiting the city are finding difficulties in getting first-hand information on various aspects of the heritage city.

I.      Light and Sound Shows: -

This will spread the message of the history of the City very fast to all concerned tourists of different destinations and attract more tourists to the city.

J.      Heritage City Newspaper: -

This will spread the message of heritage awareness to more people in a short period of time.

4.    Conclusion

The data helps identify visitors' needs, interests, and deficiencies at a Heritage site. From the data, we found that mostly there is a lack of information and less use of Web-based application, which is a barrier to urban rehabilitation. City branding initiatives bring heritage properties to the limelight. One of the most prominent tourism products that are getting popular worldwide is the Heritage Walk. Heritage walks are creating a positive impact on tourism, enhancing the brand value of the city, respect for diversity, projection of the city's culture. A unique way of experiencing the heritage of any area is to walk through the route with the help of a good interpreter. It is extensively believed that information and communication technology (ICT) enable organizations to reduce costs and enlarge capabilities. It can also help to increase the socioeconomic development of areas and local employment generation.


Heritage Walk
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