The 21st century, such a remarkable age where technology is at its peak. We have evolved in all respective areas such as science, medicine, astronomy, digital art, robotics, and many more. Everything is accessible on one single click and we should be grateful for such a privilege to dwell in this era. But let’s narrow it down to ourselves.
Are we really evolved as humans?
Are we really curious about things around us?
What are we as an individual thinker?
We can build great towns and cities but we are missing is the sense of community and the idea of our own identity. I would like to share some insights which I had observed and think that architects should not only think of place but also about the user and their way of responding which we will create a better community and society, eventually leading to a better world.
I always think that technology has given us information and bounded us globally but it has also split us from our own minds and visions. We just see things, avoiding the details, purposes, and asking even stupid questions. We just pursue the information or idea of someone else losing our own identity. But what if we begin observing, exploring, experimenting, inventing, failing, and learning through this experience. Learning is a journey by observing in detail, understanding the law of nature, and being curious about everything around us. I think such an attitude will motivate us and we will feel alive in such curiosities. Thus it will also influence us as human beings. When we start perceiving people around us, their misery, their happiness, little moments in the slowness of time, and thinking about it that idea can bring a difference. We can show humanity. But for that, we need to change our perspective of observation and responding to them.
Every child is creative so why do only a few of them are popular?
There are numerous artists, scientists, technicians who have done tremendous work but still we know a few of them who are well-known. So what renders them unique?
I think they are the people who stay and feel young throughout their existence. They play in their designs and research, formulate magical creative ideas that result in their individualism. When we were kids we used to play, fall, run, escape without having any fear. And later in our life, we forgot to play and only recall our childhood in memories. We follow the race of survival rather than living. We destroy our own creativity in the process of evolving. But our The dear mind is so creative and complex that why not just flirt and tease it through ideas and thoughts in our life.
Our bodies can grow old but our thinking can continue to be young and without fear. To stay youthful we need to get lost and found, run towards the mystery, committed to the passion in our own unique way. We should feel good in exploring dumb questions retaining curiosities, making mistakes, attempting and failing, beginning again from experiences that will lead to the interpretation of our own path rather than following anyone. Thus I learned, it is exceptionally important to play and manipulate our mind, through such a strategy we will discover our own strengths and weaknesses resulting in our own attitude, confidence, and success.
Elements and Emotions
Our home has elements such as windows, doors, ceilings, gardens. Likewise, we humans have emotions such as love, anger, fear, surprise. Our home is incomplete without these elements and also we are empty without our emotions.
So how should we design these elements because it shapes our emotions?
I always wonder about these elements and think that window should be formulated as if you are waiting for your partner, peeking slowly for new beginnings. Doors should be understood as an opportunity, if it is closed it can be open again. We feel such dilemmas in our life like being stuck so we can start again, way towards the unknown. I stare at ceilings most of the time, it seizes me in my dreamy world where I can feel more alive. Garden, that’s like walking in a dreamland, feeling the activeness of each sense. It’s all connected to our feelings and reactions according to our surroundings.
So as a designer I think we should not just add doors and windows for sake of requirement but rather develop the views and imaginations which will shape our reality. Eventually, it will also shape our identity, it will rely on how we open the door, wait at the window, or dream in the garden. It will create an image in our minds for the rest of our lives. Because I believe to solve the problem in our world rather than thinking or dreaming about society as per our comfort zone.

Way of thinking
Our way of thinking can be primarily of two types: free-flowing and constrained and it shapes us. There are two characters in our thinking process. Our senses and mind. It’s like an intriguing game where two are generally contraindicated with each other. Thus this makes each one of us different.
Our senses are more free-flowing players carrying intangible qualities. While our brain is a rational player, possessing tangible qualities. I think it's a perfect combination for humans, where we experience love and anger, prosperity and depression, compassion and betrayal, where one permits us to be free-flowing while others are our reactions. I believe our thinking should be, of dreaming and wandering but also acknowledging our realities. It just starts with the way of thinking. Our thinking should be, reaching to stars and exploring parallel universes but also observe people around us and their hardships and sorrows. Cities and towns should be built on considering the well being of the people and understanding the basic needs and it just starts with our observations and approach towards the existing chaos.
As an architect, We possess an opportunity to make our dream into reality.
When we start thinking freely, enjoying and observing little things, magic can happen.
That’s a magical reality.
 I imagine recreating things from learnings of existing and reimagining the world with the present chaos.
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”
-Leonardo Vinci


Architecturehumanitycritical thinking
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