Multiculturalism shaping urban development

Development of a nation depends on an important aspect that is human resources. In developing countries, migration is the biggest challenge and is one of the colossal survival strategies for people who are seeking better livelihood opportunities. The migration happens within varied countries, towns, cities, and villages depending upon the need of the people. So with migration occurring from different places also brings people with diverse cultures and religions together at a place. Multiculturalism can be defined as the appreciation, acceptance, or promotion of multiple cultures functional to the demographic make-up of an explicit place, usually at the structural level. Multiculturalism plays a major role in the development of any urban center. The developing technologies, easy and convenient transport system, transit-oriented development, improvement in communication, the need of human beings to socialize with each other and acquire necessities, has been a constant increase in the cultural mix of different places. This is the proper way to respond to cultural and religious diversity where no religion can be ignored or biased against but, it doesn’t give any practice or tradition an unrestricted right to be performed and it is limited to the legal and the moral aspect of a region.


The multicultural urban center has the following notions that are discussed below;

  1. Increases harmony in the nation by making people much more tolerant of each other’s cultures.
  2. Intermixing of different cultures provides a unique art, fashion, style, etc.
  3. Helps people acquire literature and taste of different eras and histories of development. Also, it instills a concept of peace and brotherhood among people and hence maintaining the harmony of the nations without which they cannot progress.
  4. With cultural mixing, food, taste, belief, style of living, clothing, medical therapy, etc. many things have gradually evolved.
  5. Immigration has advantaged nations and individuals themselves and hence inter-mingling of culture acts as a benefiting factor for the nations as a whole.
  6. The immigration of people provides an increased labor force and hence provides the increased productivity to the nation. Also, these poor immigrants occupy the cheaper and underdeveloped areas of the city developing those undeveloped areas.
  7. Develops an easy understanding of children’s distinct cultures and learn newer and more efficient ways which might not be there in the families.
  8. Gives the country, economic benefit and allows learning about many things. 


Sustainable development aims in providing social protection for the poor and vulnerable, increase access to basic services and help people from extreme climate-related events and other social, economic, and environmental disasters. Multicultural services are basic services and equal access for all men and women, including the poor and the vulnerable, should be guaranteed. Cultural expressions, services, goods, and heritage sites can contribute to inclusive and sustainable economic development. 

Sustainable development aims to eradicate hunger and all forms of malnutrition and provide universal admittance to safe, nutritive, and adequate food throughout the year. With cultural diversity, traditional knowledge related to the preservation of existing genetic resources should be acknowledged and preserved, and the impartial sharing of the relevant assistance should be endorsed. For the development of people and communities, we should integrate the cultural factors that include traditions, knowledge, and practices into local strategies.

Sustainable development seeks to ensure a healthy life and promote well-being for all. Participation in diverse cultures would help in integrating local customs, traditional style health system, and practitioners, which would help in familiarizing varied treatment methods.

Sustainable development aims to ensure that all children have access to quality childhood development and can complete excellent primary and secondary education also intents in empowering girls and women. Educational programs need to integrate cultural diversity, languages, the role of cultural aspects, and arts education at all stages. Therefore, adopting a local strategy linking educational policy and cultural policy would induce diverse education on communities, language, art and architecture, cultural belief, and religious belief. Integrating the gender dimension in cultural policy to foster gender equality and addressing gender discrimination.

Sustainable development involves the attainment of continued per capita economic growth, with advanced levels of economic productivity and development-oriented policies that would support decent job creation and entrepreneurship. Multiculturalism would help in creating inclusive, sustainable, and fair employment.

To ensure admittance to sufficient, safe, affordable housing, and basic services we can follow traditional construction techniques and related knowledge and materials can appraise methods to renovate existing buildings and design new ones. Multicultural factors also induce protecting green spaces and heritage areas for the development of cultural and religious activities.

Multiculturalism helps in the all-round development of society.


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